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School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Give to MME

Faculty Endowments

Endowed faculty chairs and professorships provide important resources for developing and sustaining a strong faculty in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Such investments in faculty help attract and retain the best teachers and researchers in their fields.

Herman and Brita Lindholm Endowed Chair in Metallurgy

Herman Lindholm, Jr. established this endowment to honor his father and mother, Herman and Brita Lindholm, and his twin sister, also named Brita. All the proceeds from Herman’s gift were reinvested in the endowment until 2000 when the invested funds reached sufficient value to fund the endowed chair position. The endowed chair in metallurgy allows the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering to assume strong leadership in the country in development of new materials along with the associated materials shaping technologies. Earnings from the endowment enable the named professor to develop research and instructional programs in materials science engineering and to act as a focal point for interactions with related industries.


Westinghouse Distinguished Professorship in Materials Science and Engineering

The Westinghouse Distinguished Professorship in Materials Science and Engineering was established to focus on research and advanced study in areas such as superconductivity, advanced ceramics, photoelectric materials, and fiber optics. Westinghouse’s objective through the professorship is to establish an alliance between Westinghouse and WSU and to attract outstanding faculty by providing additional funding for the position or for his/her research activities.


Contact Us

Bridget Pilcher Bridget Pilcher Senior Director of Development 509-335-0144