Support the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Your contributions have an immense impact every year on the operations of the school. These gifts support students with financial need, sponsor world-class MME events, support graduate student and faculty research, and as a whole allow the school to provide the best experiences for students as well as the communities we impact.
Our senior capstone class is designed to give students experience completing real-world projects with industrial partners. The program is deliverable based, where students work with industry to define and complete deliverables unique to each project. The students gain experience applying the skills they have learned in school, while industrial partners get to know recent graduates as they complete projects that assist their company. If you would like to help provide our students with meaningful industrial experiences, contact us at Go Cougs!
Make a gift
Give Online
Make a gift using your debit or credit card on WSU’s secure online giving site.
- Support school and student group activities:
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Excellence Fund
Other Gifts
Other ways to support the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering include:
- Scholarship Endowments
- Faculty Endowments
- Non-Cash Assets
- Matching Gifts
- Bequests