Surgical simulators with anatomic features.

Biomaterials and Biotransport

As the implementation of engineering ideas in biomedical applications becomes increasingly important, WSU researchers are carrying out a variety of cutting-edge, interdisciplinary projects on biomaterials, including materials design, manufacturing, and characterization with word-class facilities. Moreover, WSU is actively exploring the transport phenomena in medical robotics, biosensing/bioimaging, and targeted drug delivery through experimentation and numerical modeling at multiple spatial and temporal scales.

Topics in Biomaterials and Biotransport

  • Patient specific implants
  • Nanoscale surface modification of medical devices, and nanoparticles in protein/drug delivery
  • Biomedical manufacturing
  • Design of medical assistive devices
  • Materials and devices for sensing, bioimaging and drug delivery
  • Micro/Nano-fluidic and bio-fluidics
  • Modeling of mesoscale molecule adhesion and targeted drug delivery
  • Multiscale modeling and simulation of protein-protein interactions
  • Medical robotics

Faculty in Biomaterials and Biotransport