Students working in the HYPER lab.

BS in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering, in combining a variety of disciplines like physics and materials science, is concerned with the development, application and management of machines. With the planning and development of machines themselves, mechanical engineers often work on issues related to energy, which include low-cost energy conversion from natural resources and managing energy systems, machines, and resources. Outside of energy, mechanical engineers also deal with the design and production of automated machines, as well as the processing of materials into the commercial and industrial products of tomorrow.


ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission.

The program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


As a graduate, you will be equipped with the skills necessary for successful professional practice or advanced studies. Many students are offered employment by industry leaders even before they graduate.

Employment opportunities exist in a multitude of areas including:

  • Mechanical and Systems design
  • Manufacturing
  • Production Management


  • Four years of high school math, including trigonometry and preferably introductory calculus
  • One year each of high school physics and chemistry
  • Effective communication skills


The curriculum emphasizes both analysis and design, and accompanying laboratory courses provide you with hands-on experience. You will complete courses in the integrated design of mechanical and thermal systems, take a capstone laboratory course, and have the opportunity to participate in engineering internship programs during your academic career. The WSU Catalog has specific requirements and current four-year schedule of studies for Mechanical Engineering.

Mechanical Engineering Course Matrix (PDF)

Course Syllabi

Download the most recent syllabi for the core courses in the Mechanical Engineering program (PDF files).

  • ME 116 Engineering Computer-Aided Design and Visualization
  • ME 212 Dynamics
  • ME 216 Integrated CAD Design
  • ME 220 Materials Laboratory
  • ME 301 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
  • ME 303 Fluid Mechanics
  • ME 304 Heat Transfer
  • ME 306 Thermal and Fluids Laboratory
  • ME 312 Manufacturing Engineering
  • ME 313 Engineering Analysis
  • ME 316 Mechanical Component Analysis and Design
  • ME 348 Dynamics Systems
  • ME 401 Mechatronics
  • ME 405 Thermal Systems Design
  • ME 406 Experimental Design
  • ME 413 Mechanics of Solids
  • ME 415 Engineering Design
  • ME 416 Mechanical Systems Design
  • ME 419 Air Conditioning
  • ME 436 Combustion Engines
  • ME 461 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
  • ME 462 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering II
  • ME 466 Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Review
  • ME 474 Design for Manufacture and Modern Manufacturing Strategies
  • ME 475 Manufacturing Enterprise Systems – Automation and Product Realization
  • ME 481 Control Systems
  • ME 485 – Intro to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Financial Support

Scholarships and other opportunities are available to help students finance their college education. Learn more.

More Information

Pullman Program Contacts

Alicia Case
Undergraduate Academic Coordinator

Chris Doman
Undergraduate Academic Coordinator

Teresa Fuller
Undergraduate Academic Coordinator

Bremerton Program Contact

Everett Program Contact